Diamond electrode for water treatment from Schunk Carbon Technology

Diamond Electrode for Water Treatment

Diamond electrodes set technological standards in the treatment of waste water and many other contaminated liquids. In comparison to conventional cleaning processes and electrodes, they offer a considerably broader range of applications, are very corrosion resistant and make additional chemicals for water treatment unnecessary. Our innovative coating technology enables the production of diamond electrodes based on an especially economical silicon substrate. The result: High-efficiency cleaning process with considerably reduced acquisition costs and a high degree of freedom in the customer-specific design of electrodes and cells.

You benefit from these advantages:

  • Largest known overvoltage for oxygen and hydrogen development
  • Safe degradation of pollutants at all times, even when wastewater quality fluctuates
  • High corrosion resistance of the diamond coating
  • Replacement of the commercially available niobium substrate with silicon
Brochure: Conductivity Measuring Electrode
Brochure: Conductivity Measuring Electrode

Superior graphite material: long-term stability and no drift

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Brochure: Black Magic

Perfect Protection against Contamination and Wear

Brochure: Diamond Electrode
Brochure: Diamond Electrode

Modern Wastewater Treatment has never been this Economical and Efficient



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